Alexandra Gutierrez is a reporter for Alaska Public Media.

Can Dems Ride Pot High to Victory?
By allowing initiatives on marijuana, the minimum wage, and mining to hit November’s ballot, Republican legislators in Alaska may have helped Democratic Sen. Mark Begich get reelected.
Alexandra Gutierrez | Published May 01, 2014

Radiation Plume Hits Alaska
As the plume from Japan’s meltdown blows toward the U.S., residents of Alaska’s Aleutian Islands are adjusting. Alexandra Gutierrez reports on the biggest local worry: the health of the fish.
Alexandra Gutierrez | Published Mar 18, 2011

Ted Stevens' Final Chapter
The senator's death in a plane crash interrupted the rehabilitation of his image at home. Alexandra Gutierrez on his life after his tangle with the Justice Department.
Alexandra Gutierrez | Published Aug 10, 2010