Allison Samuels is a senior writer for The Daily Beast. Her work has appeared in Rolling Stone, O, Redbook, Essence, Newsweek and Ebony magazines. She is the author of three books, including What Would Michelle Do?: A Modern Day Guide to Living With Substance and Style, published by Gotham/Penguin, Off the Record, published by Harper Collins, and Christmas Soul, published by Disney/Jump At The Sun.

Kerry Washington’s Hair Evolution
As Olivia Pope on Scandal, Kerry Washington has debuted a series of different hairstyles over the years. As Season 3 returns, Allison Samuels on the new ’do.

Tonya Lee Steps Up
Better HalfSpike’s wife now has her own production company, with her first project premiering Friday night. She talks to Allison Samuels.

Why Everyone Loves Kerry
On A Roll<p>Kerry Washington was named <i>People</i>'s Best Dressed Woman in the world this week—an achievement that rounds out a big year. Allison Samuels on why the <i>Scandal </i>actress is an accessible style icon.<br> </p>

Cedric’s Your Final Answer
Unlikely ReplacementThe comedian’s new gig as host of ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire’ may be just what the show needs.

Where’s Lamar?
Three DaysDespite reported rumors of a crack-cocaine binge, close friends of Lamar Odom say that he isn’t missing.

The Dream Still Lives
In an interview, Bernice King talks about her father’s legacy, civil rights today and the Trayvon Martin case

Terrence Howard, Troubled Soul
Controversial<p><i>The Butler</i> star, accused of domestic abuse, has a history of violence.</p>

I Don’t Watch ‘Orange Is the New Black’
SystematicA television show featuring black people in prison? No thanks. Allison Samuels on why she won’t watch ‘Orange Is the New Black.’

Hollywood's 'Eyebrow King'
With clients such as Madonna, Beyoncé and Robert Downey Jr., makeup artist Damone Roberts perfects the art of the brow.

Beyoncé Debuts A New Blonde Bob
That Was FastJust a week after her pixie cut took the world by storm, the singer has debuted a new blonde bob. A friend tells Allison Samuels there are more changes to come.