Amy Kaufman is an assistant editor at The Daily Beast. A former reporter for The Wrap, she has also written for the Wall Street Journal and the Los Angeles Times.

Kristen Stewart's Bad Attitude
Unlike most Hollywood’s stars, New Moon’s Stewart won’t put on a happy face. Some fans love to hate the eye-rolling and bird-flipping; others just hate her.
Amy Kaufman | Published Nov 16, 2009

Real Housewives, Real Problems
As their fifth season begins, The Real Housewives of Orange County tell The Daily Beast how they’ve been forced to downsize their lifestyles—firing maids, selling McMansions, and paying off facelifts.
Amy Kaufman | Published Nov 04, 2009

Inside the Shakeup at Sundance
Geoff Gilmore, the longtime director of the Sundance Film Festival announced he was leaving to run the rival Tribeca. Will Robert DeNiro's festival finally eclipse Robert Redford's?