Does Standing Lead to Weight Loss?
STATBUSTERSA study says that standing for a quarter of the day reduces obesity—but cause and effect are not so clear.

How Effective Are Anti-Smoking Ads?
Basic MathJoel Keller recently ranted about ‘inefficient’ anti-smoking ad campaigns. Here’s what he gets wrong about the bottom line.

How Big Pharma Games the Placebo Effect
StatbustersRandomized controlled trials are supposed to be the gold standard of drug testing—but companies can easily tweak the system in their favor.

Ta-Nehisi, David Brooks, and Street Code
WAR OF WORDSBrooks’s belligerent column about Coates’s new book could just as well have been talking about his own theory of journalism.

Debunking the Great Selfie Death Myth
STATBUSTERSWhen it comes to which is more deadly—selfies or shark attacks—no analysis would have been better than a bad analysis.

Is Google Rigging 2016? Not So Fast.
Artificial SimulationA claim in a recent Politico article that undecided voters can ‘easily’ be shifted by ‘20 percent or more’ seems ridiculous on its face. We dug a little deeper.

There Are Infinite Types of Drunk People
StatbustersA study identifying four types of drinkers messes up its science.

How the Media #Fails Basic Math
STATBUSTERSDebunking China’s ‘4,000 air-pollution deaths a day’ myth and other media math flubs.

The Truth About Post-Ferguson Gun Deaths
STATBUSTERSHow media bias skews the facts on gun violence and police line-of-duty deaths since Ferguson.

Banks Want Robots to Do Their Hiring
StatbustersCan software perform better than humans on matters of hiring and retaining employees?