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Bill McKibben is the founder of and the author, most recently, of Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet. He is Schumann Distinguished Scholar at Middlebury College.


The Fight for Divestment

<p>Nearly a year after he started a campaign to have universities divest from fossil fuel investments, Bill McKibben says it’s time to take it to the next level. His new book is <i><a href=" " target="_blank">Oil and Honey</a></i>.</p>

Bill McKibben | Published Sep 21, 2013

Aaron Swartz’s Thought Crime

The death of Internet activist Aaron Swartz should remind us of what happens too often when people challenge the system. Bill McKibben says shame on Obama and Holder for allowing justice to run amok against people like him.

Bill McKibben | Published Jan 14, 2013

Clinton’s Environmental Failure

It seems Hillary Clinton is about to recommend that the Keystone Pipeline go forward, but, as Bill McKibben writes, her terrible choice on the environment won’t matter compared to President Obama’s dismal record.

Bill McKibben | Published Dec 09, 2012

The Last Straw on Climate Change

Oh Sandy

The deniers have been beaten by Sandy. The question now: what do we do?

Bill McKibben | Published Nov 01, 2012

‘Frankenstorm’ Is Right


Hurricane Sandy offers a terrifying look at what may be in store for us, says Bill McKibben.

Bill McKibben | Published Oct 26, 2012

The Global Warming Hoax

We can now admit it: global climate change is one big hoax. But let’s give credit to the special effects experts who brought us June’s crazy weather writes Bill McKibben.

Bill McKibben | Published Jul 03, 2012

Obama’s Correct Call on Keystone

Denying the permit for the Keystone oil pipeline, the president defied conventional wisdom—and big oil.

Bill McKibben | Published Jan 18, 2012

Obama’s Pipeline Mess

Obama can stop the Keystone pipeline from turning into a scandal. By Naomi Klein and Bill McKibben.

Naomi Klein, Bill McKibben | Published Oct 08, 2011

Global Warming’s Heavy Cost

Hurricane Irene’s dangerous power can be traced to global warming, says Bill McKibben—and Obama is at fault for his failed leadership on the environment.

Bill McKibben | Published Aug 25, 2011

The Real Environmental Disaster

The last three months have been the warmest on record and we need to bring the same urgency to climate change that we did to stopping the Gulf oil spill, says Bill McKibben.

Bill McKibben | Published Jul 19, 2010