Bobby Duffy, the author of The Generation Myth, is one of the UK’s most respected social researchers, is professor of public policy and director of the Policy Institute at King's College London. Duffy previously directed public affairs and global research at Ipsos MORI and the Ipsos Social Research Institute, which, among other initiatives, ran the world's largest study of public perception.
Hey Boomer: You and Snowflakes Have a Lot in Common
PHONY CULTURE WARThere have been some incredible changes in our cultural attitudes over the past few decades, but this did not start with the arrival of Millennials or Gen Z.
Forget Fake News: Why We’re Wrong About Nearly Everything
THINKING THE WORSTDeliberate disinformation and social media are just part of it, but our chronic sense of misperception has no one source. It’s based on what we're told, but also how we think.