Candida Moss is the Edward Cadbury Professor of Theology at the University of Birmingham, UK and an award-winning author of five books, including Bible-Nation: The United States of Hobby Lobby. She is also a frequent news commentator for CBS and CNN. Follow her on Twitter @candidamoss. Follow her on Twitter @candidamoss.

How Much of the Bible Was Written by Enslaved People?
GOD’S GHOSTWRITERSWe know Paul himself did not actually draft his letters to far-flung Christians, for example, but it’s still unclear how much credit he shares with his enslaved secretaries.

These Sex Workers From the Bible Were God’s Favorites
FOR THE LOVE OF GODWhile the Bible generally condemns prostitution, these sex workers had a special place in God’s affections.

Scholars Publish New Papyrus With Early Sayings of Jesus
ANCIENT THINGSPapyrologists date the fragment to the second century CE, making it one of the earliest examples of Christian writing, even before the formation of the New Testament.

So Much of What We Know About the Plague Might Be Wrong
BONES AND ALLThe impact of the Black Death in the 14th century is undeniable, but this does not mean the narrative about how it began is accurate.

Ancient Egyptian Mass Grave of Dogs Stirs Up Controversy
A CLOSER LOOKArchaeologists excavating in the Fayum uncovered the remains of a child and 142 dogs in an ancient Egyptian necropolis. The “amazing discovery” has everyone stumped.

Don’t Blame the Egyptians for This Ancient Greek Kink
NAUGHTYFor centuries, those who expressed horror at the Ptolemaic tendency to keep marriage in the family blamed the Egyptians.

Did Russian Scientists Really Discover a New Ancient People?
BIG CLAIMS!Scientists from Siberia claim a tomb holds evidence of a new, previously unknown ancient culture.

Was the Virgin Mary Actually a Slave?
STATUS UPDATEWhat appears to have been an intentional mistranslation has led to us misunderstanding Mary’s status, and, that of Jesus himself.

Did Christians Really Steal Christmas From the Pagans?
WHODUNITA cursory online search reveals theories about the origins of Christmas that range from the historical to the hysterical. Do any hold water?

Was Santa Actually a Badass Who Beat Up a Priest?
NAUGHTY OR NICELegend has it that St. Nicholas punched out a troublesome priest at one of the Church's most important councils.