LSD Makes Your Brain More ‘Flexible’
FAR OUTBreakthrough research shows how psychedelic drugs like LSD and psilocybin expand the brain.

How Gila Monsters Can Treat Diabetes
CONSIDER THE MONSTERIts spit contains enzymes that treat diabetes—but the lizard could be on its way to extinction.

RateMyProfessor Loves Old, White Guys
IT’S A MAN’S WORLDStudents use terms like ‘brilliant’ and ‘genius’ three times more frequently when describing white, male professors.

Diet Books Have Always Been Terrible
FITNESS CRITICMany people turn to diet books when they need to shed some weight. If that's their goal, they should probably look elsewhere.

Anorexia Isn’t Just for Teenagers
SECRET STRUGGLELike puberty, midlife puts women at risk for eating disorders. It’s time for doctors to stop ignoring it.

Why Do Cops See Guns That Aren’t There?
EMOTION VS. PERCEPTIONToo often, cops fire at unarmed citizens because they see a tool, a wallet, even a toy, and think it’s a gun. What happens in the brain when perception gets it wrong?

Your Body Can Make Its Own Condom
VENUS FLY TRAPThe microbiome doesn’t stop at your gut. New research shows certain strains of bacteria can trap sexually transmitted diseases, like HIV.

This Machine Vomits for Science
VOM DOT COMResearchers couldn’t get people to sign up for a study about the spread of norovirus, so they built their very own puke machine.

Can a Microbiome Treat Eating Disorders?
GOT GUTS<p>Gut microbes have been studied as cause (and cure) for bacterial infections and bowel disease, but not eating disorders. New studies explore the tiny bugs’ huge potential.</p>

A Latte With a Shot of Bacteria
ARTISINAL MICROBESAs we start to understand the tiny critters that flavor our coffee, we can tailor the strains and flavors.