Celia McGee has been the media columnist of the New York Daily News and the publishing columnist for The New York Observer. She currently covers the arts and publishing for The New York Times and others.

The $5 Million Ghost Story
Audrey Niffenegger’s ghostly new novel, Her Fearful Symmetry, cost Scribner $33 a word. Celia McGee writes that even at that price, it might just be a bargain.

A Steamy Bayou Murder Mystery
Attica Locke’s debut legal thriller mixes race, politics, and oil-industry treachery. Celia McGee talks to the screenwriter turned novelist already being compared to Dennis Lehane.

How Lincoln Emancipated the Jews
Why is this war different from all other wars? In Dara Horn’s beguiling novel, the story of Passover is reimagined as a Civil War spy thriller, complete with petticoat-ripping sex.