Chihiro Kai is a Japanese American bilingual journalist with a background in evolutionary biology. She has written for Tempura, Japan Subculture Research Center and other publications.

Tokyo Admits Covered-Up COVID Case Was Olympic Visitor
BAD OMENSThe woman from Peru, who is Japan’s first known case of the Lambda variant, came to Japan with Olympic accreditation.

Tokyo Purposely Left Deadly Variant Out of Press Briefings
OLYMPICS FIRSTEven after a Lambda case was conclusively identified at the airport, the government omitted the findings from two press releases, reluctant to raise alarms during the Olympics.

Tokyo Covered Up Deadly New COVID Variant for the Olympics
SHHHH...The Daily Beast has discovered that Japan reported a case of the highly infectious Lambda variant in Tokyo three days before the Olympics began. Then it kept it quiet.

Olympics Insider Calls Bullsh*t on Firing of Black Performer
‘HUSH MONEY’The employee told The Daily Beast that Tokyo organizers, who claim the musician was cut for budget reasons, were “miffed” about having an African performer in the ceremony.

A Notorious Japanese Composer’s Music Just Opened the Games
FUNERAL MARCHIn yet another tone-deaf move, organizers used a song by a virulently homophobic and ultranationalist figure to open the Olympics—despite many warnings it might go over very badly.

Japan’s Royalty Ditches Opening Ceremony in Epic Snub
NOTHING TO CELEBRATEThe Empress of Japan is not attending and the Emperor is not “celebrating.” It’s all part of a carefully orchestrated maneuver.

Tokyo Is Insanely Deploying an Army of Half-Vaxxed Staffers
HALF-ASSEDIt all started with a shocking email sent to Olympic staffers last month.

Japan Goes to War With Olympic Chief Over Hiroshima
‘BACH OFF’The Tokyo 2020 Olympics are hated by the locals as COVID-19 numbers surpass 1,000 a day. IOC President Thomas Bach has managed to make matters even worse.

Who the Hell Keeps Unplugging the Vaccine Fridges?
SICK JOKEAs Japan plunges towards the Olympics, the baffling mystery of who is responsible for thousands of ruined vaccine doses is gripping the country.