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Daniel Seidemann is an Israeli attorney specializing in Israeli-Palestinian relations in Jerusalem, and the founder of Terrestrial Jerusalem, a Jerusalem-based NGO that works towards a resolution to the question of Jerusalem consistent with the two-state solution.


Netanyahu Must Rein in Extremists in Coalition, or Risk Derailing Peace Talks

Rightist Provocations

Prime Minister Netanyahu's coalition is loaded with MKs who oppose a two-state solution and are engaging in provocations that could well lead to a real crisis.

Lara Friedman, Daniel Seidemann | Published Aug 28, 2013

Clinging to a Virtual Reality

Lara Friedman and Daniel Seidemann on just who is in denial about Google's recognition of Palestine.

Lara Friedman, Daniel Seidemann | Published May 10, 2013

Hurricane "Jerusalem" Hits the DNC

Conventional Wisdom
Daniel Seidemann | Published Sep 05, 2012