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Daniela Drake, M.D., M.B.A., is a former McKinsey & Co. consultant who is now a board-certified internist in private practice in Los Angeles.


Big Pharma Is America’s New Mafia


Pharmaceutical companies have more power than ever, and the American people are paying the price—too often with our lives.

AD BY The Daily Beast | Published Feb 21, 2015

‘Good Poop’ Diet Is the Next Big Thing


A new book focuses on gut bacteria as the key to a healthy weight. “Follow your gut” has a whole new meaning.

Daniela Drake | Published Oct 07, 2014

TV’s Most Important Show Is Blowing It


<p>Sixteen seasons in, <i>The Biggest Loser</i> continues to be a ratings winner. But its coaches and producers are losing an opportunity to really educate the public about the science of weight gain and loss.</p>

Daniela Drake | Published Sep 26, 2014

China’s Bloody Health Care Battle


Patient violence against doctors in China is shockingly common, and it’s increasing as more citizens get insured. Could the US see this kind of violence under Obamacare?

Daniela Drake | Published Sep 21, 2014

Why Your Doctor Doesn’t Listen to You


Assembly-line patient visits, poor care for the chronically ill, stacks of paperwork, and endless red tape: This is the life of the American physician.

Daniela Drake | Published Sep 11, 2014

Can Your FitBit Save Your Life?


Some docs are now claiming fitness tracker data holds no medical value. Meet the tech-savvy Kansas doctor who is proving them wrong.

Daniela Drake | Published Aug 26, 2014

I Got a Weed License in Minutes


Ever wondered how easy it is to get a medical marijuana license? One doctor went to Venice Beach to find out—and illuminated tons of problems with the current state of legal weed.

Daniela Drake | Published Jun 24, 2014

This Is How We’ll Fix Health Care

Good Medicine

Americans are sicker and taking more pills than ever, and our doctors are miserable. But not all is lost. Here’s how we can fix it.

Daniela Drake | Published Jun 12, 2014

How Obamacare Will Screw Black Doctors

Bojangles Effect

By tying doctor pay to patient satisfaction scores, Obamacare’s ‘pay for performance’ system is going to disproportionately hurt minority doctors. Here’s why.

Daniela Drake | Published May 26, 2014

Why You Shouldn’t Yelp Your Doctor

No Stars

Some of the country’s best doctors have the worst patient satisfaction scores. Here’s why.

AD BY The Daily Beast | Published May 21, 2014