Danielle Friedman is a former senior editor at Newsweek & The Daily Beast. Previously, she worked as a nonfiction book editor for Hudson Street Press and Plume, two imprints of Penguin Group.

Is Mila Good for Men?
Ballsy<p>In Seth MacFarlane’s new comedy,<i> Ted</i>, Mila Kunis defines a Hollywood archetype: the Man-Up Dream Girl, helping sad-sack boyfriends grow a pair—and fall in love.<br> </p>

HPV Infects Millions of Men: Vaccinate the Boys!
A new study claims HPV, the STD linked to cervical cancer, may be found in half of all adult men. Danielle Friedman on why the disease is no longer just a women’s issue.

How Breast Pumps Became a Political Issue
Michelle Obama has officially endorsed breastfeeding, and her Tea Party critics are slamming her for it. But even as they score political points, are they helping her cause?

How Ken Is Winning Barbie's Heart Back
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, Ken has brazenly taken out billboards across the country, declaring, “Barbie, I want you back!” Danielle Friedman on the surprising twist in the couple’s 50-year romance—and Mattel's attempt to keep the aging duo in the limelight.

The Power Mom Backlash
As more wives out-earn their husbands and outshine them at the office, many couples secretly struggle with reversed gender roles—sometimes leading to adultery or even health issues. Danielle Friedman on America's new marriage crisis.

Making Adoption Work
<p><b>Hugh Jackman, Vera Wang, Ambassador Susan Jacobs, and other adoption experts joined The Daily Beast in New York to seek solutions to help the world's orphan crisis. Read their ideas and view photos. Plus, see our list of <a href="/content/dailybeast/articles/2010/11/17/international-adoption-fixing-local-and-foreign-orphanages.html">9 ways to help</a>. </b></p>

The New Science of Reverse Aging
Scientists have pinpointed the exact part of our DNA that links stress to aging. Danielle Friedman on how your doctor will soon test you for it—and 10 ways to turn back the clock now.

Parent Like a Caveman
New research suggests that our early hunter-gatherer ancestors raised happier, more compassionate kids—thanks to natural birth, extended breastfeeding, and co-sleeping. Should modern parents follow suit?

Female Jocks Rule the World
Athletic women make more money and hold more upper-management positions than those who shun sports—and their numbers are growing. Danielle Friedman on why it pays to play.

Childless and Loving It
A relatively small number of women feel no desire to have children—but why? Danielle Friedman on how a lack of maternal instinct can be seen in some girls as young as 6.