Danny Rubin is an American screenwriter and author, whose credits include Hear No Evil, S.F.W., and Groundhog Day, for which he received the British Academy Award for Best Screenplay and the Critics’ Circle Award for Screenwriter of the Year. His new book, How to Write Groundhog Day, tells the story of how the film came to be. Rubin is the Briggs-Copeland Lecturer on Screenwriting at Harvard University.
How to Write ‘Groundhog Day’
Movie Magic<p>In his book, <a target="_blank" href=""><i>How to Write Groundhog Day</i></a>, the man who wrote the legendary movie shares the story behind the film and his secrets for aspiring screenwriters. Here, his Top 10 rules for writers.</p>
Danny Rubin | Published Oct 20, 2012