David Auerbach is a writer and software engineer. He previously worked for Google and Microsoft for ten years and has also been a technology columnist and New America Fellow. His book BITWISE: A LIFE IN CODE is forthcoming from Pantheon in 2018.

Facebook’s Still Spying on You
THE BIG IDEAOnly the destruction of the vast majority of Facebook’s data stores of consumer information will prevent further abuses.

It’s Not Just Facebook & Trump—The Whole Web Is Stalking You
The Data HydraThe internet was never designed for privacy, and between consumer profiling and government surveillance, there’s been little incentive to make it any more private.

Nothing But Respect for My President: Android Abe Lincoln
Replicant-In-ChiefLincoln has loomed so large for so long in the American imagination that he’s like the ‘Mona Lisa’: you cannot look at him fresh.

The Sci-Fi Roots of the Alt-Right
Star Wars & God EmperorsPournelle, Gingrich and Trump see a future that must be secured by authoritarian institutions that group together humanity’s best and prevent the rest from stifling them.