David J. Bier is the associate director of immigration studies at the Cato Institute. He is an expert on legal immigration, border security, and interior enforcement.Bier’s work has appeared in the New York Times, the Washington Post, USA Today, and many other print and online publications. The U.S. Supreme Court and multiple federal appeals courts have cited his research and writing. Bier has testified before the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship.

Legal Immigrants in Texas Should Be Worried, Too
‘TRUST US’The state’s new draconian law is so overbroad it would cause complete chaos if allowed to stand. And Iowa and others are pushing copycat bills that are just as bad.

Fentanyl Police Busts Actually Make the Problem Much Worse
PROHIBITION FAILNew research shows a direct link between big drug seizures and an increase in fatal overdoses.

Want to Solve the Border Crisis? Legalize Immigration.
GIVE IT A TRYMigrants aren’t the problem and the country is not “overwhelmed.” Nativists politicians and impossible barriers to legal entry caused (and maintain) the chaos.

Biden’s Plan to End the Border Crisis Is Already Working
SLOW AND STEADY REFORMThe border is still a mess, but the president’s recent immigration actions have already produced meaningful results.

GOP States Are Suing to Expel Legal Immigrants at the Border
MANUFACTURING CHAOSThe states want a court to delegalize Haitian immigration—even if it means more chaos at the border.

DeSantis’ Migrant Stunt Is Kidnapping by Another Name
CRIME AT MARTHA’S VINEYARDThe outrage isn’t over immigrants entering a liberal community, it’s that they were reportedly lured under false promises of jobs and housing.

Trump Wrecks His Travel Ban Rationale
‘Irreparable Harm’In court, the administration claimed that any delay in implementing the travel ban would be disastrous. After losing in court, they’ve waited weeks to fix it.