David M. Drucker is a senior correspondent for the Washington Examiner, focusing on Congress, campaigns, and national political trends. Prior to joining the Washington Examiner, he was a reporter for Roll Call in Washington, D.C., and covered California politics, and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, from the Sacramento bureau of the Los Angeles Daily News. Drucker graduated from UCLA with a BA in History and spent eight years managing a family-run manufacturing business in Southern California, giving him a unique perspective on how what happens inside the Beltway impacts the rest of the country. Drucker is a Vanity Fair contributing writer and appears regularly on cable news and nationally syndicated radio programs. He resides on Capitol Hill with his wife and two sons.

The Lincoln Project Got Attention but Did It Get Results?
MORE HEAT THAN LIGHTDisaffected GOP operatives like Sarah Longwell and Tim Miller never made headlines while they quietly but effectively helped put Biden in the White House.