Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Deborah Blum is director of the Knight Science Journalism Program at MIT, and editor of Undark magazine. Her latest book is The Poison Squad: One Chemist's Single-Minded Crusade for Food Safety at the Turn of the Twentieth Century (Penguin Press).

The Real Story of the Muckraker Who Saved Our Food
STOMACH CRAMPSOne book rocked the food industry, politics, and American stomachs all in one fell swoop.
Deborah Blum | Published Sep 29, 2018

Sexist Scientist: I Was Being ‘Honest’
NO JOKEBefore Nobel Prize-winning biologist Tim Hunt cast off his sexist comments as an ‘attempt at humor,’ he told his co-panelist something else entirely.
Deborah Blum | Published Jun 16, 2015