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Deepak Chopra is the author God: A Story of Revelation, in addition to more than other 60 books that have been translated into more than 80 languages and include numerous New York Times bestsellers. Dr. Chopra is a fellow of the American College of Physicians, a member of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, adjunct professor at Kellogg School of Management, and senior scientist with The Gallup Organization. Time magazine has described Dr. Chopra as one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century and credits him as “the poet-prophet of alternative medicine.”


Deepak Chopra: Avoiding Trump Rage


<p>The medicine and personal transformation pioneer—and author of the new book <a href="" target="_blank">‘You Are the Universe’</a>—gives seven coping methods for how to deal with our unhinged President. </p>

Deepak Chopra | Published May 11, 2017

Obama Lost the Right Way

Cold Comfort

At least the president defended his own record with integrity, writes Deepak Chopra.

Deepak Chopra | Published Oct 04, 2012

Why God Still Matters

A Higher Reality

With the world filled with suffering, there's an incentive to look beyond the horizon, says Deepak Chopra.

Deepak Chopra | Published Sep 25, 2012

The New Global Brain

How We’re Linked

<p>The future of the Middle East looks like a race between the mullahs and the iPad—and despite recent setbacks, social networks are rewiring our brains to topple traditional barriers, says Deepak Chopra, author of <i><a href="" target="_blank">God: A Story of Revelation</a></i>.</p>

Deepak Chopra | Published Sep 22, 2012

Ask the Big Questions

<p>Deepak Chopra and physicist Leonard Mlodinow debate the divide between science and spirituality in their new book, <em>War of the Worldviews</em>. Here they discuss the origin of life, evolution, and other contentious issues.</p>

Deepak Chopra, Leonard Mlodinow | Published Oct 25, 2011