Djavad Khadem is a co-founder of Unity for Democracy in Iran, which works to promote the democratic aspirations of the Iranian people. He served as minister of housing and development in the government of Prime Minister Shapour Bakhtiar just prior to the 1979 Iranian Revolution that brought Ayatollah Khomeini to power, and later coordinated the 1981 Noujeh military uprising against the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Iran’s Supreme Leader Needs Obama’s Deal
NukesAli Khamenei needs a nuclear deal with the U.S. to preserve the power of the Supreme Leader after he passes.
The Deal That Iran’s Regime Fears Most
Under PressureIran is fighting problems on every border as well as from within. It’s why Obama should tie any agreement to the lasting stability that only comes from free and fair elections.
Djavad Khadem | Published Nov 22, 2014