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Eli Lake is a former senior national-security correspondent for The Daily Beast. He previously covered national security and intelligence for The Washington Times. Lake has also been a contributing editor at The New Republic and covered diplomacy, intelligence, and the military for the late New York Sun. He has lived in Cairo and traveled to war zones in Sudan, Iraq, and Gaza. He is one of the few journalists to report from all three members of President Bush’s axis of evil: Iraq, Iran, and North Korea.


How George H.W. Bush Rescued the CIA


The agency's reputation was at a low point when Bush was brought in to help repair it—an assignment he thought was President Ford's way of burying his political career.

Eli Lake | Published Dec 01, 2018

Would Adelson, Saban Really Buy the NYT?

For Sale?

No, the New York Times isn’t for sale to these guys, but both men long to influence the dialogue over Israel in this country.

Eli Lake | Published Nov 09, 2014

Hawks’ War Plans for ISIS, Putin & Obama

Targets Acquired

Call it the neoconservatives’ revenge. But even the dovish side of the GOP now acknowledges the election was a win for their party’s hawks.

Eli Lake | Published Nov 05, 2014

White House Micromanaging ISIS War

Touchy, Touchy

The Pentagon brass placed in charge of implementing Obama’s war against ISIS are getting fed up with the short leash the White House put them on.

Eli Lake, Josh Rogin | Published Oct 31, 2014

Obama vs. Bibi Explodes


A senior official calling Netanyahu “chickenshit” shows the ugly side of the president and his team when it comes to the Jewish state.

Eli Lake | Published Oct 29, 2014

She Killed Her Rapist—So Iran Killed Her

No Peace

The execution of Reyhanneh Jabbari has brought worldwide condemnation of the Tehran regime. But the critics may be missing the real story.

Eli Lake | Published Oct 29, 2014

‘The Nation’ Too Pinko for One Bolshevik

Libertarian Communist?

Ilya Ponomarev voted against the Ukrainian territory’s annexation, slams The Nation, and considers himself a Bolshevik. Who is this guy?

Eli Lake | Published Oct 26, 2014

You Saved Bergdahl. Why Not Our Son?

Cruel Bargain

After the Obama administration bargained for Bowe Bergdahl’s life, the family of ISIS hostage James Foley begged the White House for the same treatment—only to be denied.

Eli Lake | Published Oct 24, 2014

How Big Is The Canadian Terror Network?

Mystery Men

Canadian officials were quick to finger ISIS in this week’s attacks on government targets. But it’s still not clear whether or not the killers were part of a larger jihadist web.

Tim Mak, Jacob Siegel, Eli Lake | Published Oct 22, 2014

Karl Rove Covered Up Iraq’s Real WMD

Smoking Gun

There’s one man, some Republicans say, who kept the public from learning about the chemical shells littered around Iraq. He was Bush’s most important political adviser.

Eli Lake | Published Oct 16, 2014