Elisheva Goldberg is International Relations Analyst and Editor at Molad: The Center for the Renewal of Israeli Democracy. She was previously assistant editor at Open Zion. She tweets from @ShevGoldberg.

Swarthmore Hillel Breaks From Guidelines Over Ban on ‘Anti-Zionist’ Speakers
Open HillelWhile Swarthmore College Hillel seems to have burned its bridges with Hillel International over a policy against hosting ‘anti-Israel’ speakers, other Hillel campus organizations still have the opportunity to adapt guidelines, says Elisheva Goldberg.

Talking to Women of the Wall's Ultra-Orthodox Teenage Protesters
God's ArmyAt Women of the Wall's 25th anniversary prayer service in Jerusalem, Elisheva Goldberg had a strange conversation with the 18-year-old girls who had come to protest.

What We Didn’t Know About Israel’s Agreement to Renew Negotiations with the Palestinians
Dirty DealingsA backroom agreement between Kerry, Netanyahu and Bennett proves that peace negotiations have become less about the end goal than about the process.

The Dubious Successes of Israel's Media Watch
Fair And Balanced?Why has Israel's Media Watch reaped successes, despite resorting to crude logic in order to advance a far-right agenda? Elisheva Goldberg reports from the organization's yearly celebration.

VIDEO: What Do Israelis Wish For Iranians?
From Israel With LoveNew online videos focused on emotions, hopes and fears surrounding Israel, Palestine and Iran are worth watching, says Elisheva Goldberg.

How Netanyahu Eased The Pressure Without Giving Much Up
Prisoner ReleaseNetanyahu's deal to release prisoners in order to jumpstart peace talks kicks all the hard decisions down the road. Elisheva Goldberg on the new, old status quo.

Tisha B'Av: It's Not All About the Temple
Jewish FundamentalismElisheva Goldberg explores the Temple Institute's video, which encourages Jews to rebuild the Temple, aired in anticipation of today’s Jewish fast of Tisha B’Av.

A Likudnik's How-To Guide for Annexing the West Bank
Modest ProposalElisheva Goldberg takes apart Israeli politician Tzipi Hotovely's five-stage proposal for annexing the entirety of the West Bank.

Why Firing Zone 918 is Relevant Today
Loss in the South Hebron HillsElisheva Goldberg on Israeli government moves to evict Palestinian villagers to form a training ground.

The Peres Parade: A Macher's Paradise
President's ConferenceThe Israeli President's Conference, hosted by Shimon Peres in honor of his 90th birthday, is filled with celebrities and big shots. Elisheva Goldberg reports.