EricAlterman is The Nation’s longtime media columnist and a CUNY Distinguished Professor of English at Brooklyn College. Lying in State: Why Presidents Lie and Why Trump Is Worse, from which some of the above is adapted, published by Basic Books, is his eleventh book.

Presidential Lying: Trump’s Not First, But He Sure Is Worst
PATHOLOGICALYes, all presidents lie. But none of them lied like this. The question is, why do so many in the media still let it happen?

Why Isn’t Obama in the Fight?
Sitting Out<p>The president’s decision to steer clear of the contentious recall battle in Wisconsin sends a bad signal to his base. Eric Alterman on the downside of staying above the fray. Plus, Ben Jacobs on <a href="/content/dailybeast/articles/2012/06/05/5-things-to-watch-in-wisconsin-recall-election.html">five things to watch</a> in Wisconsin.<br> </p>

Obamacare in the Balance
Depending on the Supreme Court, health care may end up looking like an Obama misstep, says Eric Alterman.

The Tax-Plan Sham
Stop Pretending<p>Let’s stop pretending that U.S. companies actually pay the 35 percent tax rate—or that any of these reform proposals will ever see light of day. Plus, <a href="/content/dailybeast/galleries/2012/02/23/the-top-ten-corporate-tax-dodgers.html">find out who the ten biggest corporate tax dodgers are</a>.<br> </p>

Is the Election Over?
Despite the boost that the jobs report gives to Obama, Eric Alterman says it ain’t over till it’s over.

The Bloodier the Better!
POLITICAL CIRCUSWhat a liberal should wish for in Tuesday’s Iowa caucus: maximum GOP chaos.

Don't Sweat the Jewish Vote
Eric Alterman on why the Jews won't abandon the Democrats in 2012.

Why Obama’s Base Won’t Revolt
2012 JittersDisappointment with Obama won’t translate to a 2012 primary challenge from the left. By Eric Alterman.

No More Mr. Nice Guy
Obama finally punched Republicans in the face in the debt talks. Eric Alterman on his attack on hedge funders and corporate jets—and why his own party could stand in his way.

Andrew Cuomo's Flawed Liberalism
The governor is still paying too much attention to the millionaires, and not enough to the masses. By Eric Alterman