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Erin Cunningham is a former fashion reporter at The Daily Beast. She holds a bachelor's degree in International Affairs and English from the George Washington University.


Cara Delevingne: When Models Try to Act


<p>As Cara Delevingne takes on her first major motion picture role in <em>Paper Towns</em>, The Daily Beast ranks our favorite models-turned-actresses from best to worst.<br> </p>

Justin Jones, Erin Cunningham | Published Jul 25, 2015

The Rise of the Social Supermodel

New Alphas

<p><i>Sports Illustrated</i> covergirl Chrissy Teigen—who has become a Twitter phenomenon for her raunchy, funny, oversharing posts—is a far cry from the remote supermodels of old. And we like her that way.</p>

AD BY Lenovo | Published Jul 21, 2014

She Gets D-Listers a 16th Minute of Fame

For Sale

When ‘hot convict’ Jeremy Meeks gets out of jail, he will become a client—as so many D-list, scandalous public figures before him—of Gina Rodriguez, PR specialist of the down and dirty.

Erin Cunningham | Published Jul 17, 2014

Clothes Swapping Isn’t Just for Kimye


We may all snicker at gooey-eyed couples who begin to coordinate their outfits, but matching may actually be a sign of a strong relationship. Unless the look is truly hideous, of course.

Erin Cunningham | Published Jul 15, 2014

The Best of Paris Haute Couture Week

Houses of Style

From Chanel and Schiaparelli to a reborn Christian Dior under Raf Simons, a look at the tulle, embroidery, and, yes, even tube tops from the finest Fall/Winter 2014 runways.

Erin Cunningham | Published Jul 11, 2014

Why Are Young Stars Dying Hair Blue?

Hair Flare

How did bright blue hair become the color of choice for the young and fashionable in Hollywood, including Nicole Richie and Katy Perry?

Erin Cunningham | Published Jul 09, 2014

Madeline’s New York Moment


Her many fans may think of her living in an old Parisian house. But Madeline’s character was inspired by its creator living in Manhattan, imbibing the city’s rebellious spirit.

Erin Cunningham | Published Jul 08, 2014

15 Years of Posh and Becks

True Love

She was a Spice Girl. He was a soccer star. Together, they made celebrity history. Four children, one fashion career, and many underwear ads later, we celebrate their latest milestone.

Erin Cunningham | Published Jul 03, 2014

A New Breakup Therapist: Your Phone


Breaking up is hard to do—especially for your friends who have to listen to countless hours of your post-relationship angst. But now there's a new app to help you recover positively.

Erin Cunningham | Published Jul 01, 2014

Jenny Mollen Embraces Her Crazy

New Memoir

It’s good to be a little bit crazy says Jenny Mollen, whose new book, ‘I Like You Just the Way I Am,’ explores the humorous side of life, love, and stalking husband Jason Biggs's ex.

Erin Cunningham | Published Jun 30, 2014