Erin Ryan is a Daily Beast columnist, the host of Crooked Media’s Hysteria podcast, and a writer for It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. She is based in Los Angeles.

Fox News’ New Comedy Shows Are Safe Spaces for Hack Humor
GROANCOREI watched hours and hours of Fox Nation’s “edgy” content. The only things that triggered me were the abominably poor joke constructions.

Congress Is a Middle School Operating In a Retirement Home
NO RECESSMatt Gaetz’s coup against Kevin McCarthy exemplifies Republicans’ childish backbiting and thirst for nihilistic dysfunction.

Eating the Rich Sounds Pretty Good to Most of Us Right Now
BURN, MAN, BURNFrom Burning Man schadenfreude to an angry populist hit song, there’s a palpable animosity for the uber-wealthy we haven’t seen since the 2008 financial crisis.

Ohio Shows GOP Is Going ‘Streisand Effect’ on Abortion
STEPPING ON ALL THE RAKESRepublicans know abortion is popular, so they tried to make it harder for voters to legalize it. Now they’re losing on reproductive rights—in state after state.

‘Barbie’ Seems to Have Destroyed Ben Shapiro
PINK HURT HIS FEELINGSThe right-wing motormouth was triggered by a movie where female characters actually have inner lives not focused on pleasing men.

Cartoonishly Evil Hollywood Execs Fumble the Bag Every Time
‘LET IT BLEED OUT’A self-proclaimed ‘cruel’ negotiating strategy means the studio execs are well on the way to losing the PR battle against Hollywood’s actors and writers.

E. Jean Carroll Is a Badass
THANK YOUNo matter what happens with Donald Trump, she’s ensured his legacy will include the fact that he was found liable in court for sexual assault.

Dance on Tucker Carlson’s Fox Grave, but Fear His Zombie
EXIT RIGHTHe’ll land somewhere else. Because that’s what he’s always done.

‘Stolen Youth’: An Anti-Woke Book That’s Filled With Fear
IT’S CALLING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE!Who needs facts, accurate sourcing or a basic understanding of the modern world when you’re trying to scare the shit out of parents?

Trump’s Piggish Behavior Toward Women Brought His Ass Down
IT’S SO BEAUTIFULIt is purely morally satisfying that the ex-president—a vile, lifelong misogynist—is facing criminal charges for essentially stepping on his own dick.