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Fred Siegel, Scholar in Residence at Brooklyn’s Saint Francis College, is a contributing editor at the Manhattan Institutes City Journal. He is the author with Harry Siegel of The Prince of the City, Giuliani, New York, and the Genius of American Life.


New York’s Capo of Corruption Goes Down


For 21 years, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver was the most powerful man in New York. Now he’s a convicted felon. But is real reform possible in a place as broken as Albany?

Fred Siegel | Published Dec 05, 2015

When the Sixties Came Unhinged

The New Left

<p>Who really won the 60s? Not the hippies but the bureaucrats who absorbed bohemian language in service of govt. programs. An excerpt from Fred Siegel’s <i><a href="">The Revolt Against the Masses.</a></i></p>

Fred Siegel | Published Jan 26, 2014

Is This the New Dinkins?

De Blasio’s Rise

Fred Siegel on mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio’s misguided attempt to depict Dinkins as a crime fighter.

Fred Siegel | Published Sep 05, 2013