Garry Kasparov is a former world chess champion and an elected member of the Russian opposition movement’s Coordinating Council.

Kasparov: Trump Is Killing Democracy
RULES MATTER<p>In attacking the primary system, Trump is attacking America itself.<br> </p>

Don’t Lecture Me About Socialism, Bernie
BEEN THERE, DONE THATWhy my rant against the Democratic candidate’s prescription for America went viral.

What Will America Stand for in 2016?
Trouble AheadThe ghosts of the Cold War and the Iraq War are haunting the 2016 campaign.

Springtime for America’s Enemies
Annals of AppeasementDangerous and short-sighted U.S. diplomacy has empowered no one except state sponsors of terrorism and fascistic regimes.

Why Dictators Love Olympics
SochiLike Hitler’s 1936 games, Putin’s campaign to hold the Olympics in Sochi is all about adding to his personal glory, not any desire to better Russia.

Kasparov: Snowden, Putin’s Puppet?
No ExcuseWhistleblower, traitor, hero, villain, Snowden may be many things at once but his apologies for the brutal record of Putin and the Russian state are inexcusable.

Boycott Putin!
The 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi are meant to be one of Putin’s crowning achievements, but with corruption and horrible discrimination and violence against gays on the rise, Garry Kasparov calls for a boycott by corporate sponsors and world leaders. But let the athletes still play and Putin be embarrassed by the publicity.

Putin Toys With Obama
From Snowden to Syria, Russian President Putin does whatever he likes and the West plays to his tune. Garry Kasparov on the pathetic kowtowing to Putin—and the terrifying historical echoes of such behavior.

My Fight for Russia Goes On
Garry Kasparov declares that though he will refrain from returning to Russia for the time being, he will not give up his fight to oust Putin or his hopes for a democratic future for his country.

Berezovsky’s Dubious Legacy
COMPLICATED LIFEWhile other Russian oligarchs roam free with plundered wealth, the Kremlin is orchestrating a smear campaign against the recently deceased Berezovsky. Garry Kasparov on why we shouldn’t be fooled by the dead or his greatest creation, Vladimir Putin.