Gideon Resnick is a former political journalist at The Daily Beast. His work has been published in VICE, the New York Observer, and the Atlantic, amongst others.Send him tips:, or (513) 680-1211 for cell and/or Signal, or You can also use our anonymous document submission system, SecureDrop. Click here to find out how.

Warren Outraises Biden in Q3 With $24.6 Million Haul
BIG MONEYThe numbers indicate growing momentum for her campaign, which did not initially get off the ground as a fundraising juggernaut.

Bernie Sanders Will Participate in Next Debate
BACK AT ITHis campaign said he will appear at the October 15 event and that he is recovering well after having stents inserted for a blocked vessel.

Sanders Has Procedure for Artery Blockage, Cancels Events
SCARYThe Sanders campaign said two stents were inserted following the senator’s complaints of chest pains.

Warren Tears Into Facebook Over Leaked Mark Zuckerberg Audio
POKEDThe Facebook CEO railed against the presidential candidate’s plan to break up big tech companies.

Sanders Raises Massive $25.3 Million in Third Quarter
STILL BERNIN’The quarter is among his best in both presidential campaigns he’s run and perhaps the largest of the 2020 cycle thus far.

Cory Booker Raises $1.7 Million to Stay in 2020 Race
IT WORKEDThe campaign had warned it didn’t have a long-term viable path forward if he couldn’t raise the money.

Biden Calls for ‘Abuse of Power’ Impeachment Probe of Trump
TAG TEAMThe Democratic presidential contender now supports impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump—if the president doesn’t turn over key documents.

Warren Is Spending Campaign Cash to Unseat Susan Collins
ALL OUTIn an email sent to her campaign supporters, Warren’s campaign manager said that they plan to devote staffers to helping win back the Senate.

Impeachment Pressure Builds for Democrats
CLOSERThe calls to proceed are coming from inside the House, and outside it.

Warren Leads in New Iowa Poll, Eclipsing Biden for 1st Time
NEW MOMENTThe Massachusetts Democrat has had momentum for weeks, and this marks the first time she’s bumped Biden out of the lead in this poll.