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Hank Phillippi Ryan is a USA Today bestselling author of 12 thrillers including The First to Lie, and she has won the most prestigious awards in the genre: five Agatha’s, three Anthony’s, the Daphne, and for The Other Woman, the coveted Mary Higgins Clark Award. Hank is also the on-air investigative reporter for Boston’s WHDH-TV, with 37 EMMYs and dozens more journalism honors. She’s the only author to have won the Agatha in four different categories: Best First, Best Novel, Best Short Story, and Best Non-Fiction. Hank is a founder of MWA University and past president of National Sisters in Crime. Visit Hank online at,on Twitter @HankPRyan, onInstagram @hankpryan andon Facebook at HankPhillippiRyanAuthor.


This Crime Reporter Went Undercover to Get the Truth


This Emmy-winning investigative reporter often resorted to disguise to ferret out wrongdoing. But there was one secret she couldn't tell.

Hank Phillippi Ryan | Published Sep 27, 2020