Ira Madison III is an entertainment writer. He has written for MTV News, Vulture, BuzzFeed, Noisey, and can also be seen in GQ. He's well versed in every soap opera your mother has ever watched and has a Hall & Oates tattoo.

‘Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom’ Is a Hot Mess
PASSThe blockbuster sequel may have a new director in J.A. Bayona (‘The Impossible’) but is haunted by the same script problems that plagued the first ‘Jurassic World.’

‘Luke Cage’ Season 2 Uncovers What Hurts a Bulletproof Hero
HARLEM'S HEROIn his second season, Marvel’s bulletproof black man is faced with a new enemy—one who might finally break our indestructible hero.

The Crucial History Lesson ‘Pose’ Won’t Let Us Forget
TrailblazersRyan Murphy’s FX show is making it clear: There are other queer stories to be told besides those of only white gay men.

Marvel Finally Gets Down and Dirty With ‘Cloak & Dagger’
Don’t Be A HeroMarvel’s gritty new series focuses on redemption and self-discovery over superheroics—and puts black characters center-stage.

ABC Gave Roseanne’s Racism a Megaphone. What Did It Expect?
FAILED EXPERIMENTRoseanne Barr spouted vile, racist views online long before ABC canceled her show’s revival. This wasn’t even her first time calling a black politician an ‘ape.’ Why hire her?

Morgan Freeman’s ‘Harassment’ Was Hiding in Plain Sight
SHINING A LIGHTEight women have accused the Oscar winner of inappropriate touching and harassment, behavior he allegedly didn’t even feel the need to hide from others.

Stormy Daniels’ Hypocritical Day in West Hollywood
CELEBRATIONThe adult-film star who’s suing the president was awarded the key to West Hollywood as part of ‘Stormy Daniels Day’ on Wednesday. If only she knew about the man giving it to her.

‘Deadpool 2’ Shows That LGBTQ Representation Should Be Easy
ONE STEP FORWARDThe sequel casually introduces the first out queer couple ever featured in a big-budget superhero movie. Will the rest of Hollywood take note?

Make ‘Star Wars’ Gay, You Cowards
QUEERBAITINGKeepers of the ‘Star Wars’ universe keep teasing the possibility of established characters being queer—without ever actually depicting queerness onscreen. Enough.

‘Catfish’ Host Nev Schulman Already Has a History of Assault
SHADYBefore MTV halted production of its reality show ‘Catfish’ in light of sexual misconduct claims against host Nev Schulman, he admitted to punching a woman in college.