James Bloodworth is the Editor of Left Foot Forward, Britain’s most popular centre-left political blog. He’s a contributing editor for Progress and writes regularly for the Independent, the New Statesman and the Guardian. He tweets at @J_Bloodworth

Cuba Does Russia’s Dirty Work. Again.
Same Old, Same OldReports that Cuban forces are now fighting in Syria follow a long history of the Castro brothers working closely with their patrons in Moscow.

David Cameron: Historic Great or Dud?
HISTORIC?He has passed massive reforms to the welfare state and played the leader on the world stage, but something always seems to be missing.

Open Cuba Doesn’t Mean Free Cuba
Left IllusionsObama thinks that repression in the Castro regime will decrease as a result of contact with the U.S. He’s wrong.

NATO’s Greatest Failure Repeated?
BosniaThe excuses, indifference, and utter callousness that met genocide in the Balkans sound eerily familiar in Barack Obama’s Washington.

The Banana Republic of East London
CORRUPTIONPolitical correctness and left-wing myopia helped protect Britain’s first democratically-elected Muslim mayor from corruption charges for years. Eventually justice caught up with him.

The Dark Side of Cuba’s Ebola Economy
CASTROCAREThe communist government’s medical missionaries win praise for the regime, but they are victims, too.

Putin’s Useful (British) Idiots
None So BlindFrom Neville Chamberlain to the pages of today’s ‘Guardian,’ many members of the British elite, left and right, have proved themselves suckers for totalitarianism.