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James Kirchick is a visiting fellow in the Center on the United States and Europe and the Project on International Order and Strategy at the Brookings Institution. He is a Daily Beast correspondent, a columnist for Tablet, and author of The End of Europe: Dictators, Demagogues and the Coming Dark Age.


How Alan Hollinghurst Made ‘Gay Literature’ Mainstream


The unquestioned greatest bard of gay life has for decades been writing some of the finest fiction of our time, good enough in fact to make us forget labels.

James Kirchick | Published May 05, 2018

How an ‘America First’ Senator Became a Globalist Hero

Water’s Edge and World Order

The politician had a rare quality: the ability to admit he was wrong. After a surprise armed attack on America, he ultimately realized that the world is not zero-sum.

James Kirchick | Published Feb 18, 2018

Meet Zimbabwe’s New Boss, Same as the Old Boss

Enter the Crocodile

Having gone to such lengths to preserve their privileges, the generals are unlikely to let ZANU-PF lose its grip over something so pedestrian as a free and fair election.

James Kirchick | Published Nov 23, 2017

The Left-Wing Heroes Who Treat Women Like Garbage


From hard-lefties like Black Panthers and the ‘Dirtbag Left’ to liberals named Clinton and Kennedy and Weinstein, the long line of men who talk one way but behave another.

James Kirchick | Published Oct 22, 2017

The ‘Flight 93 Election’ Moment Is Now

Resignation Isn’t the Answer

Trump is a proven disaster, but that doesn’t mean he’s going away. We need competent people to serve in his administration—and exert enough control to keep us all from crashing.

James Kirchick | Published Aug 17, 2017

The American Labor Movement Shames Itself on Cuba

Which Side Are They On?

In its more honorable past, the AFL-CIO was staunchly anti-communist. But now, the same union is toasting a Cuban emissary. What gives?

James Kirchick | Published Aug 08, 2017

No, Germany Is Not Going to Save the World


Sure, Trump’s a disaster, but Germany--pacifist, self-dealing, and self-righteous--is hardly the candidate to fill the Trumpian vacuum.

James Kirchick | Published Jul 15, 2017

How Milli Vanilli Explains Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin

‘You Know It’s True’

Like the ‘singers,’ Trump wants to hoard the glory of his stunning electoral upset all to himself.

James Kirchick | Published Jul 07, 2017

Beware the Brit Grifters


When Britain sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us.

James Kirchick | Published May 07, 2017

Remember When GOP Loved U.S. Friends?


Agree with them or not, Republicans have historically been very clear about how they talk about our allies and our adversaries. That’s out the window now. But no one says a peep.

James Kirchick | Published Mar 29, 2017