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James Mann is the author of Rise of the Vulcans: The History of Bush’s War Cabinet, and, most recently, The Rebellion of Ronald Reagan. He is author-in-residence at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.


When It Comes to U.S. Presidents, Trump Is China’s Dream


History shows that when American leaders visit China, they tend to exaggerate their accomplishments, but also to obscure or completely hide whatever concessions they have made.

James Mann | Published Nov 05, 2017

How the Chinese Will Take Jared and Ivanka to the Cleaners


So Jared and Ivanka are going to China this fall in advance of the president’s visit. They’d better read up first or they’re going to be snookered.

James Mann | Published Aug 07, 2017

Missing: The Republican Foreign Policy Brain Trust

Anytime Now

Zbigniew Brzezinski was always forthright. But where are Rice, Shultz, Kissinger, Scowcroft, and Gates when their country needs them? And boy, do we.

James Mann | Published Jun 07, 2017

The GOP's Three-Headed Monster

The Republicans are divided on how to attack Obama’s foreign policy—and some are even supporting him. Author James Mann on the struggle within the opposition party.

James Mann | Published Dec 25, 2009

The Lady Who Warmed Up the Cold War

In an excerpt from The Rebellion of Ronald Reagan, Suzanne Massie, a special advisor to President Reagan on Soviet policy secretly influences America’s relationship with Moscow.

James Mann | Published Mar 10, 2009

Was Ronald Reagan Secretly a Dove?

James Mann, author of The Rebellion of Ronald Reagan, on the secrets behind U.S.-Soviet diplomacy during the president’s second term.

James Mann | Published Mar 10, 2009