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Jennifer L. Pozner is a media critic, public speaker, and the author of Reality Bites Back: The Troubling Truth About Guilty Pleasure TV. She is founder and executive director of Women in Media & News, a media analysis, education, and advocacy group, editor of the group blog WIMN’s Voices, and an adviser for the OWN documentary Miss Representation. She’s not a doctor… but she plays one on the internet in Reality Rehab with Dr. Jenn.


Are Comedy and Feminism Enemies?

Rape Joke Fallout

<p>On <i>The Daily Show</i>, Louis C.K. said the controversy over Daniel Tosh’s rape joke boils down to ‘a fight between comedians and feminists, which are natural enemies.’ Media critic Jennifer L. Pozner talks to nine comedians about C.K., Tosh, and whether feminism and comedy are natural combatants.</p>

Jennifer L. Pozner | Published Jul 18, 2012

Inside ‘The Bachelor’ Lawsuit

Reality Reconstruction

<p>Any TV viewer with eyes has noticed <i>The </i><i>Bachelor</i>’s and <i>The Bachelorette</i>’s persistent whiteness. Can a class-action lawsuit force the shows to become diverse? Jennifer L. Pozner reports .</p>

Jennifer L. Pozner | Published May 21, 2012

Why Kim Kardashian's Divorce Is Good for Women

<p>Kim Kardashian is finally doing something good for America: she's getting divorced. Jennifer L. Pozner, the author of <i>Reality Bites Back</i>, on how the breakup finally blows the lid off reality TV’s wedding-industrial complex.</p>

Jennifer L. Pozner | Published Nov 05, 2011