Joel Kotkin is the Presidential Fellow in Urban Futures at Chapman University and executive director of the Urban Reform Institute. His most recent book is The Coming of Neo-Feudalism (Encounter).

One Simple Trick for Making Post-Pandemic Cities Great Again
UNWELLMany office workers simply aren’t coming back. That means tough times ahead for big cities, but also a chance for renewal and revival.

The Kids Are Not Alright and the Center Is No Longer Holding
BOOM BOOMThe French election gives a hint of where things are headed in America—and it isn’t pretty what happens when you let a generation go by with little hope of living as the last one.

The Metaverse Isn’t Real but It’s Already Really Lucrative
UNREAL ESTATEAnd it’s going to be real, and vast, much sooner that you might think.

Here’s Why California’s Losing Population for the First Time
OLD AND OVER THE HILLFewer people are arriving, the people who are there are having fewer kids, and more people are dying. Add it up, and it’s big trouble for the biggest state.

How America Abandoned the World—and Our Own Inner Cities
THE URBAN GRAVEYARD EFFECTThe pandemic has hit hardest in two very different historically impoverished and poorly educated populations: rural America and inner-city America.

America’s Overdue to Unfriend Mark Zuckerberg
FROM ZUCK TO YUCKThe tech boss is finally being recognized as the American villain he is, rather than the folk hero he’s tried to present himself as.

Could COVID Exodus Speed the Heartland Revival?
BYE BYE BAY AREAAmericans—including immigrants and young workers—are leaving big coastal cities for more affordable regions, in a trend that began before COVID but was accelerated by the pandemic.

Trust the Science: The Blue State Surge Is Real
‘EXPOSURE DENSITY’The pandemic put a harsh spotlight on urban inequality and its health consequences, which turned out to be far more impactful than the policies Democratic governors boasted about.

How Declining Fertility Rates May Deliver Us Into Oblivion
BAD VALUESIn the 1960s, experts fretted about the coming population explosion. But today, the opposite is the problem. Woke young lefties, please have more kids.

If Biden Can’t Build a Better Economy, America Is F*cked
THE FIRE NEXT TIMEIf the rich keep getting richer and everyone else struggles to keep up, we’ll have a new, nastier Trump type in not so many years.