John Batchelor is radio host of the John Batchelor Show in New York, Washington, D.C., San Francisco, and Los Angeles. Follow John on Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube.

Is America in a State of Civil War?
UNCIVILAmerica is in a state of supersessionist civil war, between the body that voted for the president of the United States and the body that voted for the other candidate.

The Russia Mess Sucks in Democrats, Too
Unmasking MysteriesOne known unknown: the person who commissioned Fusion GPS to create the infamous âTrump Dossier.â

What Iâd Really Like to Hear Explained About Russiagate
Widening GyreWe may never find out the truth behind Russiagate. But two things would provide a satisfying start: the role of Fusion GPS and the involvement of Samantha Power.

What Trumanâs First Four Months Could Teach Trump
Striking SimilaritiesMuch like our current president, Trumanâs win was seen as an accident of history. And Trump could learn lessons from Truman on the White House, leadership, and Russia.

A Cautionary Climate Lesson for TrumpâFrom Jules Verne
Lightning Strikes TwiceAn 1889 dystopian romance about extraordinary man-made changes to the planet may offer the presidentâworld leaders up in arms over his rejection of the Paris climate dealâa lesson.

Donât Buy the Scare Stories About the GOPâs Medicaid Reform
âNo basisâThe proposal âhas nothing to do with seniors. It has nothing to do with the disabled. It has nothing to do with poor children.â

The Republican Turnaround Starts This Week
Pedal, Meet MetalYep, itâs been a disastrous start for Trump and the GOP. But that may be about to changeâand a lot faster than most people think.

Dark Days in America, and Still Darker Ones to Come
We Ainât Seen Nasty YetJust as in 1856, no one expects the climate of disunion to get anything but worse.

James Comeyâs Lessons for the Leakers to Come
DRIP DRIP DRIPIs there a precedent for the next steps? Many choose the Watergate scandal as a roadmap.

Nunes on Unmasking: âOh, This Is Only the Beginningâ
âAbuse of PowerâThe House intel chair on why the NSA, CIA, and FBI were subpoenaed; whether Comey has obstructed the probe; and whether more Obama officials are suspected.