Kathleen Willcox is a freelance writer and a student at the Institute of Culinary Education.
Is the Recession Making You Fat?
America has found a cheap escape from its current malaise: dessert. Kathleen Willcox says the sugar industry is exploding—and so will waistlines.
Kathleen Willcox | Published Jul 21, 2009
How America Killed French Cuisine
Freedom fries lovers, rejoice! The growing American influence over French cooking has turned Paris into a city of bad baguettes and processed cheese.
Kathleen Willcox | Published Jul 07, 2009
An American in Paris—with Brownies
In his bittersweet memoir, David Lebovitz, the former pastry chef at Berkeley's legendary Chez Panisse, moves to Paris and delivers a tale of love and loss, with 50 decadent recipes.
Kathleen Willcox | Published May 08, 2009