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Katty Kay is the Washington Correspondent for BBC World News America. She is the author, along with Claire Shipman, of Womenomics: Write Your Own Rules for Success. Kay has covered Washington since 1996 and is a contributor on "Meet the Press", "Larry King Live", "The Chris Matthews Show" and a regular guest host for Diane Rehm on NPR.


The Lockerbie Outrage Gap

America’s reaction to the Pan Am bomber’s release has been radically different than Britain’s, showing just how wide the trans-Atlantic gulf remains on attitudes about justice.

Katty Kay | Published Aug 20, 2009

I Just Had a Baby, I’ll Call You Back

In an excerpt from Womenomics, Katty Kay and Claire Shipman say the career ladder is crumbling and women need to forge new paths that can accommodate personal ambition and family.

Katty Kay, Claire Shipman | Published Jun 02, 2009

Can Women Save the Economy?

Women are the hottest business commodity around: They’re better educated than men, and companies that employ more women make more money. Womenomics authors Claire Shipman and Katty Kay say we should look for a “pink lining” to the recession.

Katty Kay, Claire Shipman | Published Jun 02, 2009

Washington's Dreariest Ritual

Yes, Obama killed at the White House Correspondents' Dinner. But he didn't manage to improve the mise-en-scene of the D.C. bash, in which politicos mingled uneasily with Demi Moore, Howard Stringer got stiffed, and the food once again tasted terrible.

Katty Kay | Published May 10, 2009

The Power of Michelle

The first lady's unimaginable comeback

Katty Kay | Published Apr 29, 2009

Obama Meets the Queen

Her Majesty will receive the president in London tomorrow. Here’s what he needs to know. Call her “ma’am.” Compliment the dogs. And, please, Mr. President, don’t bring any damn DVDs.

Katty Kay | Published Mar 31, 2009

AIG Is Not Our BIG Problem

The Obama administration shouldn’t waste its time on bonus scandals from 2008. It should focus on fixing the banks in 2009—and beyond.

Katty Kay | Published Mar 22, 2009

Europe's Can-Do Spirit

The financial problems plaguing the US and Europe aren’t that different—but on a recent visit, Katty Kay finds Europeans less obsessed with financial ruin. Is it the social-welfare system, or the wine?

Katty Kay | Published Mar 15, 2009

Stop Crucifying Tim Geithner

Sorry, firing the embattled Treasury secretary won’t solve our financial crisis.

Katty Kay | Published Mar 09, 2009

America Will Never Be Europe

Obama can expand health care. He can even nationalize the banks. But the BBC’s Katty Kay says that won’t even come close to making us the European-style state Americans abhor.

Katty Kay | Published Feb 27, 2009