Kevin Lee serves as arts editor for the Mobile, Alabama newsweekly Lagniappe. He won Mobile Press Club awards for Best Commentary Print and In-Depth Reporting for Non-Daily Newspaper in 2004 and 2005 and has been published in Miami’s ARTPULSE and New Orleans’ The Pelican Bomb.

It’s Way Too Hard to Put Up a Monument to Lynching Victims
LIKE IT WAS YESTERDAYThe opposition to a Mobile, Alabama, roadside marker commemorating Black people murdered by white mobs shows how much more needs to be done to reckon with a shameful legacy.

He Foresaw America’s Crackup in 2011—He Says It’s Worse Now
ROSETTA STONE“The hour is later than you think,” says the author of American Nations.

Anti-Vaccine Insanity Is Sweeping Through Mobile, Alabama
DEATH THROUGH INACTIONPeople like me with illnesses are isolated and angry as the myth of Southern hospitality has given way to something much uglier, with just one in three adults here vaccinated.

Why Southern Progressives Don’t Just Move Somewhere Else
The willful ignorance, the racism, the ecological disregard, it’s all maddening for us. But it also means that this is where we’re needed the most.

How the Detective Blamed for One Lynching Solved Another
‘A TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE SCENE’Mobile, Alabama, sold itself as a place that was different than other Southern towns and racially tranquil. That wasn’t the experience of police officer Wilbur Williams.

COVID Would Kill Me. Too Bad I Live in a Vaccine Hellhole.
Not Sweet HomeI’m middle aged—in my 50s—but was diagnosed with genetic emphysema in my late 30s. Alabama is not where someone like me wants to be right now.

A Cancerous Legacy for Descendants of the Last Slave Ship
FAMILY BUSINESSFor a moment, it seemed like the discovery of the ship’s wreckage and a lawsuit for environmental damages might bring some overdue recognition and justice. Then the moment passed.

‘No Trouble Here’: Can Mobile Own Up to Its Lynching Legacy?
LONG PAST TIMEMobilians always thought: We’re not Selma; we’re better than that. Well, yes—and no. And there’s a new determination to make sure people acknowledge the “no” part.