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Larry Durstin is an independent journalist who has covered politics and sports for a variety of publications and websites over the past 20 years. He is the author of the novel, The Morning After John Lennon Was Shot.


Why Elvis Never Died

The King

Why does Presley still strike such a chord in the age of Bieber and Gaga?

Larry Durstin | Published Aug 16, 2013

Go To Hell, Modell

Just because the old Cleveland Browns owner is dead doesn’t mean we have to lavish him with an unearned honor, writes Larry Durstin.

Larry Durstin | Published Feb 02, 2013

Why Black Preachers Pretend a Key Civil-Rights Leader Didn’t Exist

It’s time for black clergy to accept gay rights as part of the civil rights struggle, write Mansfield Frazier and Larry Durstin.

Mansfield Frazier, Larry Durstin | Published May 16, 2012

Black Clergy and Obama’s ‘Evolution’


Black ministers have been among the most vocal opponents of gay rights, yet liberals seem scared to call them out.

Mansfield Frazier, Larry Durstin | Published May 13, 2012

What Sank Dennis Kucinich

Bounced From Congress

Mansfield Frazier and Larry Durstin on why the progressive firebrand was thumped by Rep. Marcy Kaptur.

Mansfield Frazier, Larry Durstin | Published Mar 07, 2012