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Laurel Adams is the James R. Soles Fellow at the Center for Public Integrity. She graduated cum laude from the University of Delaware in May of 2010 with majors in international relations, Spanish, and Latin American studies. She interned at Voices Without Borders in Wilmington, Del., and the British Embassy in Washington, D.C.


U.N. Nuclear Aid Linked to Terror

Iran, Sudan, Syria, and other countries the U.S. has named state sponsors of terrorism have received millions of dollars in U.N. nuclear technology aid—and Hillary Clinton won’t stop the flow of cash. Laurel Adams of the Center for Public Integrity reports.

Laurel Adams | Published Mar 21, 2011

The Toothless Election Police

Campaign spending skyrocketed in 2010, thanks to a Supreme Court ruling that opened the floodgates. So why was the FEC so quiet? Laurel Adams reports.

Laurel Adams | Published Dec 15, 2010