Leslie Bennetts, a special correspondent for Newsweek/The Daily Beast, is a former reporter at Vanity Fair and The New York Times. She is the author of the national bestseller The Feminine Mistake: Are We Giving Up Too Much?

There He Goes Again!
Fact CheckRomney stupidly says women suffered almost all the job losses since Obama took office. By Leslie Bennetts.

The Myth of the Stay-at-Home-Mommy Job
House WorkMemo to Ann Romney: Motherhood is hard work, but it’s not a career, argues Leslie Bennetts.

Is Beauty a Bad Investment?
Money WoesSpending money on becoming more attractive doesn’t help women pay the bills when they get old, says Leslie Bennetts.

The Male Domination Racket
UNDER HIS THUMBClubby male behavior reinforces subjugation of women and minorities the world over, writes Leslie Bennetts.

The Elder Women’s Poverty Crisis
Exclusive<p>A study of census data, exclusive to The Daily Beast, reveals that more than half of older women in America are unable to pay for their basic needs.<br> </p>

Jarrett: Obama Views Women as Integral to Administration, Economy
Live BlogThe president's senior advisor tells Mellody Hobson what Obama's doing to advance women—and stresses fostering confidence in girls.

Steinem: Female Authority Is Still Associated with Childhood
Live BlogWomen have made so many strides, yet positions of power are still dominated by men. Why haven’t we made more progress, asks Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, and what can we do to change things?

What About Freedom From Religion?
Church and StateChristian conservatives like Santorum are trampling on our right to be free of any state-sanctioned religion and its dictates, says Leslie Bennetts.

JFK’s Intern-Mistress Confesses: ‘I Did Love Him’
Tell-AllJFK intern Mimi Alford talks about her presidential affair and tell-all book with Leslie Bennetts.

When Politicians Break the Rules
Newt LogicLeslie Bennetts says we should remember that in office, Newt’s acted the same way he behaves as a husband.