Liz Mair is the founder, president and owner of Mair Strategies LLC, a strategic communications firm established in 2011 that focuses on public affairs work and opposition research overwhelmingly for major corporate and trade association clients. In the past, she has advised Republican candidates, officeholders and committees including the RNC, Carly Fiorina, Rick Perry, Rand Paul, Scott Walker and Roy Blunt on communications. A dual US-UK citizen and recovering debt finance/banking solicitor, Liz has been active in immigration reform, free trade, spending restraint, limited government, tax reform, civil liberties and gay rights advocacy on both sides of the Atlantic, including in her paid work. A Republican, Tory, and avid Arsenal FC supporter, she is based in the New York City area where she lives with her husband, son, and Internet- and cable-TV famous cats.

Really, Who Cares About the Veepstakes?
THE STAKES ARE LOWHere’s the truth most of the media and punditocracy don’t want you to hear: Except in the rarest of circumstances, vice presidential selections will not have any impact on voters.

The Case for Ditching Biden and Making Kamala Harris Step Up
CHANGE IS COMINGYou might think Harris would have no chance at the presidency, but in fact, the numbers show she might have a shot.

Candidates Who Are Actually Funny Usually Win Debates
COMEDY > WONKERYForget about typical debate prep, Biden and Trump’s advisers should be helping them make American voters laugh.

Dems Are Delusional About Why They’re Losing Hispanic Voters
WAKE UPBiden and the party’s elite just don’t want to accept that their messaging and management are turnoffs to a constituency they’ve long taken for granted.

DeSantis Could Lose Every Legal Battle, Still Win His War
SLY AS A FOXLove him or loathe him—as the culture warrior-in-chief, the Florida governor keeps improving his odds as a 2024 GOP contender.

The Blue Wave Happened Because Republicans Were Lazy
OUTHUSTLEDOf course Trump didn’t help. That’s a given. But too many Republicans paid no attention to local issues and just tried to coast.

Democrats Employed Russian-Style Dirty Tricks
RUSSIAN TO JUDGMENTSome Dem techies tried to tie Roy Moore to thousands of faked Russian Twitter accounts. You needn't care about Moore to worry about where this leads.

‘Cocaine Mitch’ Embraces Sentencing Reform
WHITE CHRISTMASSing a hallelujiah chorus or three as the GOP Senate leader allows a vote on a measure that will really help all those Trumpy voters in Kentucky.

Labor Secretary Went Easy on a Serial Pedophile; He Must Go
DISGRACELabor Secretary Alexander Acosta, when he was the U.S. attorney in Miami, let serial pedophile Jeffrey Epstein off appallingly easy. This is as open and shut as it gets.

Things Have Gotten So Stupid, We’re Now Politicizing Food
MAKE THANKSGIVING SANE AGAINCan’t we just all eat ourselves into a food coma without judgment?