Lucy Steigerwald is a writer and editor based in Pittsburgh, PA. Her work has appeared in the Washington Post, VICE, Playboy, and other outlets. Follow her on Twitter @lucystag

Children Need a Lot More Civil Rights
RETHINK THE FUTUREWhat groups like Moms for Liberty and their opponents both ignore is the fact that kids are deprived of many basic rights and protections under the law.

Stop the Post Office From Spying on Us
GET A WARRANTSnail mail might be fading away, but the government’s ability to read your mail is not.

Don’t Use Buffalo Shooting to Call for New Terrorism Laws
REMEMBER THE PATRIOT ACT?Innocent people from marginalized communities are the most likely targets of massive expansions in law enforcement powers.

Republicans: Instead of Whining About Sessions, Legalize Pot
'Deal With It'Lawmakers are spitting mad at the attorney general. So maybe that could, y’know, pass a law?

Cory Booker’s War on the War on Drugs
Reefer SadnessThe New Jersey Democrat’s bill is flawed—but it’s a helluva lot less flawed than the dumb, mean war on marijuana use that Jeff Sessions wants to make dumber and meaner.

No-Guts Trump Cheers Duterte’s Drug War
Losing Badly“Who taught you how to this stuff?” “You, alright! I learned it by watching you!”

For-Profit Prisons: Bad But Not to Blame
Drop in BucketCritics of for-profit prisons have a point. But they’re just a symptom of the over-criminalization epidemic that started with government.