Matt Briscoe is the managing Editor and founding partner of HCTX News.

Pastor Mourns Church Massacre Victims, Including Daughter
PREACHAlmost half of First Baptist Church was murdered last week. This week they gathered again, joined by 400 people, including Muslims, friends, and complete strangers.

Defiant Texas Church To Hold Service 7 Days After Shooting
REVIVALMembers of the congregation were notified about the Sunday service by Pastor Frank Pomeroy, who lost his daughter in mass shooting that killed 26 congregants and injured 20.

Bystander Shot Church Shooter Twice Before Suicide
GOOD GUY WITH A GUN?Three gunshot wounds, according to an official.

Church Gunman Shot Parishioners as They Crawled Out of Pews
HellishA camera captured the massacre inside First Baptist Church that saw nearly everyone inside shot or killed.

3 Generations of One Family Killed in Texas Church Massacre
‘THEY’RE A LOT BETTER OFF THAN WE ARE’Bryan and Karla Holcombe, a son, daughter-in-law, and four grandkids died at First Baptist. ‘Bryan would have grabbed that shooter and said how much he loved him,’ a friend says.

5-Year-Old Boy Shot 5 Times Survives Massacre
MIRACLERylan Ward is out of surgery, his family says.

Most of Church Killed in What ‘Looked Worse Than a War Zone’
UNGODLYFirst Baptist’s congregants had just finished learning the importance of unyielding faith in trying times when a gunman opened fire.

Couple Murdered in Church Taught Sunday School Classes
REST IN PEACEKarla Holcombe was a mother of four who taught Sunday school classes and volunteered at a prison. Bryan was preaching when he was cut down.

Church Gunman Was Kicked Out of Military for Assaulting Wife
WHY?Before he killed 26 people, Devin Kelley was sentenced to confinement and discharged from the military. Last week, he ominously showed off an assault rifle on Facebook.