Maureen O'Connor is a homepage editor for The Daily Beast.
D.C.'s New Beefcake
How a 46-year-old Mormon congressman from Arizona became the hottest thing on Capitol Hill.
Maureen O'Connor | Published Oct 14, 2009
The Craziest Town Hall Ever
What happens when ultra-religious neocon Michele Bachmann co-hosts a town-hall meeting with anti-authority libertarian Ron Paul? Wingnut worlds collide. Maureen O'Connor reports.
Maureen O'Connor | Published Sep 26, 2009
Rep. Michele Bachmann’s Wackiest Moments
Lately, the Republican representative from Minnesota is rivaling Vice President Biden and GOP Chairman Michael Steele for inappropriate public comments. But Michele Bachmann’s “psycho-talk” began years ago—here are 12 incidents you may have missed.
Maureen O'Connor | Published May 04, 2009