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Michael Wolraich is a political journalist and historian, author of Unreasonable Men: Theodore Roosevelt and the Republican Rebels Who Created Progressive Politics and Blowing Smoke, and co-founder of the political blog His writing has appeared at The Atlantic, The Daily Beast, CNN, Reuters, Talking Points Memo, and Pando Daily. He has also appeared on C-SPAN's BookTV, The John Batchelor Show, Culture Shocks, and various radio shows across the country. He lives in New York City. tweets at @wolraich.


Dear Rep. Ocasio-Cortez: Hang Tough. History Is on Your Side


Long before AOC started raising hell with the Democratic establishment—like, oh, a century before—Wisconsin progressive Robert La Follette was proving her critics wrong.

Michael Wolraich | Published Jan 18, 2019

How Robert Mueller Outfoxed Donald Trump


The special prosecutor quietly and subtly played the president, who even now has no real clue what Mueller and his zipped-lipped crew are up to.

Michael Wolraich | Published Sep 04, 2018

Trump and Teddy — No Comparison

Not. Even. Close.

The former speaker said Trump reminds him of our 26th president, which just shows he knows little about Trump—and nothing about Teddy Roosevelt.

Michael Wolraich | Published Dec 27, 2016

Can Bernie Sanders Overhaul His Party?


He’s being asked to make nice and throw his support to Hillary, but this is not how great political movements get started, and a movement is exactly what Sanders is leading now.

Michael Wolraich | Published May 29, 2016

The Myth of the Militant Homosexual


Indiana conservatives made news by claiming religious freedom laws discriminate against them, but Anita Bryant pioneered that smear decades ago.

Michael Wolraich | Published Apr 04, 2015

The GOP’s Last Identity Crisis

Past As Prologue

In an excerpt from his new book, ‘Unreasonable Men,’ Michael Wolraich shows how a century ago it was progressives who splintered the GOP.

Michael Wolraich | Published Jul 24, 2014