Want to Live to 100? Learn Some Lessons From SuperAgers
ACT YOUR AGEMeet the people who might hold the secret to aging gracefully.

Inside NASA’s Bold Moonshot to Find Life Orbiting Saturn
EYE IN THE SKYThe OWLS project might find alien microbes—while helping us keep our water clean here on Earth.

How Big Data Could Solve Food Inequity—or Make Things Worse
OUR DAILY BREADResearchers in Los Angeles have a plan to eradicate “food swamps” and bring healthier options to poorer communities. But first they need your personal data.

Why Is California Making Cops Guard Empty Houses?
Limousine Liberalism“It’s like a work program for the Highway Patrol,” said one resident irate at the use of manpower in a state with a real-estate crisis.

Grow Your Own Grocery Store
EAT ITFoodscaping is the new landscaping, and it’s not just a trend for homes. In neighborhoods considered ‘food deserts,’ it could be a lifeline.

The Most Beautiful Video Game Ever
TO INFINITY<p><em>No Man’s Sky</em> lets players explore space like never before—and is so scientifically accurate that experts are celebrating its (to be announced) release.</p>

China Gets Luxury Cars From Fake Buyers
VROOMHigh-dollar rides are cheap in California compared to Shanghai, so entrepreneurs pay straw buyers cash to snap them up and send ’em overseas. Automakers want to stop them, but dealers don’t want to play cop.

Cassini Says Goodbye to Saturn's Moons
Viva SpaceAs the spacecraft nears the end of its life, it probes the secrets of Saturn's icy moon Dione for a final time.

NASA’s Kepler Finds ‘Earth’s Cousin’
NOT ALONENASA announced Thursday the discovery of Kepler-452b, an exoplanet that’s a ‘close cousin’ to Earth.