Mike Rinder was raised as a Scientologist from early childhood. He went on to serve as Scientology’s international spokesperson and as the head of its Office of Special Affairs, and was a member of the Board of Directors of Church of Scientology International from its creation in 1983 until he left in 2007. Since renouncing Scientology, Rinder has become a prominent whistleblower against its abuses. He appeared in the HBO documentary Going Clear and cohosted all three seasons of the Emmy Award-winning show Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath on A&E. He and Remini currently cohost the podcast Scientology: Fair Game.

How Scientology Protected Tom Cruise and John Travolta
INSIDE LOOKIn this exclusive excerpt from his riveting memoir “A Billion Years,” former Church of Scientology senior exec Mike Rinder writes about the church’s courting of Hollywood celebs.