Miranda Frum is a writer and model living in Tel Aviv. Her written work has appeared in The Tower, Maclean’s, the Huffington Post and the National Post. Follow her on Twitter @mirandafrum.

Kendall Jenner Doesn’t Know How Hard a Model’s Life Can Be
INSULTINGPoor pay, long hours, and exhaustion: The life of a working model is very different from Kendall Jenner’s lucrative fame—which made her apparent diss of models so offensive.

Hollywood’s Hypnotist to the Stars
MADE ME DO ITAll those who I have met who had gone to Kerry swore by his hypnosis. They claimed their lives had changed. Could it be for real?

Here, Fashion Shows. In Iran, 40 Lashes
TWO WORLDSTala Raassi grew up in suburban Washington, D.C. and then in Iran. She knows both cultures—but wasn’t ready for what happened to her one night in 1998.

The Dirty Truth About Being a Model
UnfairAs a group of models prepares to sue their former agencies, one model reveals her own experience of being bullied and patrolled by her former handlers.

Modeling Is a Job, So Pay Me, Dammit
Going CheapIn professions like modeling it’s not uncommon for models to be expected to work for no money—and this shadowy economy is anything but fair.

I’m a Model. The Law Needs to Protect Me
LOOKING GOODA new California bill creating health standards for models is welcome. But what is urgent is proper regulation of modeling agencies themselves.

An ISIS Killer in His Own Awful Words
BAD RAPLet’s take a closer look at what a suspect in the Foley and Sotloff murders in Syria had to say when he was rapping in London.

How I Got Used to Gaza Rockets
FireworksIn Israel, life goes on under Iron Dome. The Hamas missiles blow up in the air, sometimes. And even if they don’t, the fear becomes banal.

Israel and the Aftershock of Murder
Death SpiralViolence continues as the fault lines of hatred deepen not only between Arab and Jew, but within different communities.

The Israeli Way of Death
Anger ManagementIsraelis have been hardened by years of threats and terror. The three murdered teenagers are the latest example. But a young Arab-Israeli may have pointed the way to a better future.